How Can Work Improve Your Relationship?
I have a confession. After dreaming and scheming over what to do with a 10-acre property we purchased last year, we gave up hope of figuring out a decent plan. I even wondered if I
The Most Natural Antidote for Physical and Mental Health May be Missing in Your Life
I have had the benefit of “throat clearing” five decades to see change in society. I’ve learned about many modern medical advances and pharmaceutical cures for things
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Celebrate Your Bond With Mother Earth Today!
Since 1970, Americans have been recognizing Earth Day along with a growing number of countries. Today, more than 200 countries around the globe celebrate our planet and cons
super easy
Advantages of Homesteading
If you have been a fan of homesteading or curious about the simple existence we can create in nature, read on for four advantages of homesteading.
A Case For Chickens
Do you have a favorite memory of a farm visit or love animals? You may be able to relate to these pastimes and find a way to create your own relationships with a cute creature.