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    Self-Defining your Goals, Values, & Motivation

    “You are stronger than you think you are.” –Unknown (my running mantra)

    After a yearlong season of inactivity and extra stress, I needed to return to a regular exercise routine. Weight gain and sluggishness tied me down and frustration only added to my slump. The dreaded “should of” and “could of” piled up as each busy week passed without any consistency on the workout front. Even at […]

    This five-minute read gives an account of my experiences with the Citizens Police Academy in which I encourage you to explore opportunities in your community to stretch beyond your own expectations.

    Whether you have a lighter workload in the summer, or the pace is frantic, opportunities exist to shake things up this season. Research (and common sense) tells us that time outdoors is beneficial for physical and mental health. Simply taking up the same activity in a different place can boost mood and improve brain function. […]

      Several years have passed since I’ve been able to go home. Not the one I sleep in every night with my family. I’m talking about the one I came home from the hospital to, and got on the school bus in front of, and ate my mother’s home cookin’ inside. And yes, it is […]

    How can something as simple as inhaling and exhaling alter our state of mind and health? Breathing is one of those things we completely take for granted.   We rely on our body’s autonomic nervous system to keep us breathing while we sleep, eat, exercise, and sit around binge watching our favorite shows. Why should […]

    There are moments or long stretches of time we’d all prefer to leave in the past. One of the toughest things to do is distance ourselves from painful memories. Our recollections are not selective. In fact, some of the very things we want to forget most are the things that stick around the longest. Some […]

      Finding the good in people you come across daily is something most of us think little about. The unpleasant fact is that we all tend to judge and even criticize others across our interactions. That spills into negative comments about people, drawing comparisons, and ultimately separation from others. Something fascinating – we would probably […]

    Simply put, empathy is being able to feel the experience of another person. If you’ve ever noticed a small child try to comfort a distressed playmate or even a baby closely watch a crying infant, you have seen the early signs of empathy. It appears as if the ability to sense the pain or emotions […]

    We all have some motivation or we would never get up in the morning or make it to work or even fix a cup of coffee. When we talk about a lack of motivation, it has more to do with those non-preferred or seemingly less than glamorous activities like sweating, denying ourselves something fun, or […]

    What began as a business model to gain engagement, growth, and advertisement through the dawn of social media has evolved into something with a life of its own.

    Times are hard and disappointment can overwhelm us. It's important to reach out to your family and friends and check in from time to time. You never know what a simple hello can do for someone. In fact – it’s quite possible your kindness could be even more beneficial to you.

    If you have been a fan of homesteading or curious about the simple existence we can create in nature, read on for four advantages of homesteading.

    Feeling as if we don't quite measure up is more common than you may realize, especially in a competitive society. Read on for a reminder of the trap you can slip into without realizing it.

    How are you navigating your health and wellbeing in these first days of the new year? Take some time to refocus on what matters in the scheme of things - you!

      Since 1970, Americans have been recognizing Earth Day along with a growing number of countries. Today, more than 200 countries around the globe celebrate our planet and consider how we can show it some love.   While our beloved planet groans and cries out in the midst of our human presence, we continue to […]

      After the past year, we are pacing ourselves through a period of re-boot. Most people are cautiously optimistic that society will march forward and growth will take root. The definition of growth can mean something different to each of us. Can growth be quantified by our possessions? One mystifying part of our human nature […]

      If you are an adult living in the midst of career and family obligations, you probably dismiss the notion of reviewing your own identity. Wasn’t that step over back in those rocky teenage years? The truth is, a great deal of identity formation likely happened right on through your twenties. Research and respected theorists […]

      When I was in my early twenties, I accepted a position at a group home for teenagers who were wards of the state. I enjoyed the work and saw promise and potential in the kids immediately. They had been dealt a most rotten hand in life and their behavior only reflected the traumatic early […]

    Simply put, empathy is being able to feel the experience of another person. If you’ve ever noticed a small child try to comfort a distressed playmate or even a baby closely watch a crying infant, you have seen the early signs of empathy. It appears as if the ability to sense the pain or emotions […]

      Finding the good in people you come across daily is something most of us think little about. The unpleasant fact is that we all tend to judge and even criticize others across our interactions. That spills into negative comments about people, drawing comparisons, and ultimately separation from others. Something fascinating – we would probably […]

    There are moments or long stretches of time we’d all prefer to leave in the past. One of the toughest things to do is distance ourselves from painful memories. Our recollections are not selective. In fact, some of the very things we want to forget most are the things that stick around the longest. Some […]

    How can something as simple as inhaling and exhaling alter our state of mind and health? Breathing is one of those things we completely take for granted.   We rely on our body’s autonomic nervous system to keep us breathing while we sleep, eat, exercise, and sit around binge watching our favorite shows. Why should […]

      Several years have passed since I’ve been able to go home. Not the one I sleep in every night with my family. I’m talking about the one I came home from the hospital to, and got on the school bus in front of, and ate my mother’s home cookin’ inside. And yes, it is […]

    Whether you have a lighter workload in the summer, or the pace is frantic, opportunities exist to shake things up this season. Research (and common sense) tells us that time outdoors is beneficial for physical and mental health. Simply taking up the same activity in a different place can boost mood and improve brain function. […]

    This five-minute read gives an account of my experiences with the Citizens Police Academy in which I encourage you to explore opportunities in your community to stretch beyond your own expectations.

    After a yearlong season of inactivity and extra stress, I needed to return to a regular exercise routine. Weight gain and sluggishness tied me down and frustration only added to my slump. The dreaded “should of” and “could of” piled up as each busy week passed without any consistency on the workout front. Even at […]

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