"Every person needs a place that is furnished with HOPE." –Maya Angelou
Where Will the New Year Take You?
As another year fizzles out, an opportunity for renewal and a clean (or cleaner) slate emerges. An abundance of negativity surrounds “resolutions” and yet many of us continue to pursue self-improvement at this time of year more than any other. I’m always down for a round of improvement and savor the cozy little spot on […]
What Can Autumn Do For You?
I have been in love with Fall for as long as I can remember, even though I’m not so excited about the winter chasing its heels. It turns out I’m not alone. Autumn happens to be a favorite season for most people. All those pumpkin spiced lattes and wagon rides are not the only reason […]
What Makes “Back to School” go More Smoothly?
The dreaded words for so many children and teenagers, BACK TO SCHOOL are everywhere. Advertisements, billboards and notices all over town remind us to prepare. Clinics arm themselves for the stampede of families swarming in for their last-minute physicals, vision exams, and immunizations. And we can’t forget the administrators and educators who are winding up […]
A Rekindled Love Affair with Tennis
After a yearlong season of inactivity and extra stress, I needed to return to a regular exercise routine. Weight gain and sluggishness tied me down and frustration only added to my slump. The dreaded “should of” and “could of” piled up as each busy week passed without any consistency on the workout front. Even at […]
The Overlooked Benefit for Physical and Mental Health
Check out this proven method of improving your physical and mental health that most of us put off or dismiss altogether.
Rejuvenate This Summer
Whether you have a lighter workload in the summer, or the pace is frantic, opportunities exist to shake things up this season. Research (and common sense) tells us that time outdoors is beneficial for physical and mental health. Simply taking up the same activity in a different place can boost mood and improve brain function. […]
Restore Your Brain Today
If you’ve ever driven a long distance for a long-awaited vacation, you easily recognize the stages of your journey. You start out fresh, exhilarated. Once you break free of your hometown, the road unfurls ahead, full of promise for memories and adventures on the other end. Before long, you break the trip into segments. At […]
Is Optimism all it’s Cracked up to be?
A recent trend caught my attention in the headlines as it scrolled past last week. I rode along the transit options of New York City and learned that optimism is a state of mind connected to longevity, better physical and mental health, and greater happiness. Sounds fabulous, doesn’t it? Maybe this topic deserves […]
Is There Such a Thing as Smarter Breathing?
How can something as simple as inhaling and exhaling alter our state of mind and health? Breathing is one of those things we completely take for granted. We rely on our body’s autonomic nervous system to keep us breathing while we sleep, eat, exercise, and sit around binge watching our favorite shows. Why should […]
A Formula for a Healthy Life
Would you like a magic formula for improving your mood, energy, and warding off many diseases and health conditions? Most of us do, but laugh at the simplicity or the likelihood that this is really that important or helpful.
Living With Chronic Illness
Sliding my blouses across the rod in my closet like an accordion, I pulled loose the final choice for our trip to Boston. Rolling the shirt up, I pressed it into the side of our carry on for the two day trip to see the Bruins. Leaning over the bulging case, I weighed my final […]
Mid-Life Crisis? Really?
I don’t know about you, but when I hear the phrase mid-life crisis I immediately picture a balding man speeding away in his convertible red sports car, leaving his devastated family behind. Whatever your picture is, I would like to challenge your thinking about the life cycle we all thought of as impossibly old when […]
Where’s Your Motivation?
We all have some motivation or we would never get up in the morning or make it to work or even fix a cup of coffee. When we talk about a lack of motivation, it has more to do with those non-preferred or seemingly less than glamorous activities like sweating, denying ourselves something fun, or […]
Is Procrastination Holding You Back?
Have you ever had a future goal that stirred in your heart every single day? You thought about it from every angle and imagined your success, yet somehow, it never quite took flight.
Are You Sick of the Pandemic?
What is a productive, creative person to do in this season of stagnation?
Advantages of Homesteading
If you have been a fan of homesteading or curious about the simple existence we can create in nature, read on for four advantages of homesteading.
The New Way to a New You
How are you navigating your health and wellbeing in these first days of the new year? Take some time to refocus on what matters in the scheme of things - you!
Celebrating the Gift of Love Begins Inside Your Own Heart
Are you ready to celebrate your closest relationships? Read on to prepare for the season of love.
How Do You Rate Your Self-Esteem?
Could your self-esteem use a boost lately? See if you can relate to these authentic ways of improving our sense of value.
What’s the Big Deal About Sleep?
Is sleeping a full 8 or so hours each night really that important for resilient kids or ourselves? You may be surprised to discover what researchers have found.
Why Are Teenagers So Sleepy?
What can we do to improve our children's mood, energy, cognitive functioning, and attention spans?
Time to Check Our Emotional Fuel Gauge
What are some of the less obvious effects of this past year on our children's development and our own social well-being?
Is Perfection Your Goal?
Is the constant threat of competition surrounding you or is the success of others stressing you out?
Is Mindfulness Really Worth Your Time?
There has been a surge of promotion for mindfulness techniques, meditations, and lifestyle changes. That focus makes complete sense in light of the increasingly complex world we live in. We have to have something to help us cope with all the stimulation present in our society and even our homes. Mindfulness offers a natural […]
The Parenting Trap
As we pass between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day it’s natural to reflect on your own experience as a child and at the same time ponder our own parenting approach. Many of us worry and agonize over the decisions we make for our children and the methods we use to teach them values and […]
Beat Burnout Today
When I was in my early twenties, I accepted a position at a group home for teenagers who were wards of the state. I enjoyed the work and saw promise and potential in the kids immediately. They had been dealt a most rotten hand in life and their behavior only reflected the traumatic early […]
The Most Natural Antidote for Physical and Mental Health May be Missing in Your Life
I have had the benefit of “throat clearing” five decades to see change in society. I’ve learned about many modern medical advances and pharmaceutical cures for things that ail us. Yet a remarkable and less than quantifiable feel good signal has waved at me for the entirety of my years. Chances are, you have […]
What Does Empathy Have to do With Success?
Simply put, empathy is being able to feel the experience of another person. If you’ve ever noticed a small child try to comfort a distressed playmate or even a baby closely watch a crying infant, you have seen the early signs of empathy. It appears as if the ability to sense the pain or emotions […]
Try Adding a Habit That Is Easy and Healthy
Finding the good in people you come across daily is something most of us think little about. The unpleasant fact is that we all tend to judge and even criticize others across our interactions. That spills into negative comments about people, drawing comparisons, and ultimately separation from others. Something fascinating – we would probably […]
Have You Ever Wanted to Leave the Past Behind?
There are moments or long stretches of time we’d all prefer to leave in the past. One of the toughest things to do is distance ourselves from painful memories. Our recollections are not selective. In fact, some of the very things we want to forget most are the things that stick around the longest. Some […]
Is There Such a Thing as Smarter Breathing?
How can something as simple as inhaling and exhaling alter our state of mind and health? Breathing is one of those things we completely take for granted. We rely on our body’s autonomic nervous system to keep us breathing while we sleep, eat, exercise, and sit around binge watching our favorite shows. Why should […]
Is Optimism all it’s Cracked up to be?
A recent trend caught my attention in the headlines as it scrolled past last week. I rode along the transit options of New York City and learned that optimism is a state of mind connected to longevity, better physical and mental health, and greater happiness. Sounds fabulous, doesn’t it? Maybe this topic deserves […]
Restore Your Brain Today
If you’ve ever driven a long distance for a long-awaited vacation, you easily recognize the stages of your journey. You start out fresh, exhilarated. Once you break free of your hometown, the road unfurls ahead, full of promise for memories and adventures on the other end. Before long, you break the trip into segments. At […]
Rejuvenate This Summer
Whether you have a lighter workload in the summer, or the pace is frantic, opportunities exist to shake things up this season. Research (and common sense) tells us that time outdoors is beneficial for physical and mental health. Simply taking up the same activity in a different place can boost mood and improve brain function. […]
The Overlooked Benefit for Physical and Mental Health
Check out this proven method of improving your physical and mental health that most of us put off or dismiss altogether.
A Rekindled Love Affair with Tennis
After a yearlong season of inactivity and extra stress, I needed to return to a regular exercise routine. Weight gain and sluggishness tied me down and frustration only added to my slump. The dreaded “should of” and “could of” piled up as each busy week passed without any consistency on the workout front. Even at […]
What Makes “Back to School” go More Smoothly?
The dreaded words for so many children and teenagers, BACK TO SCHOOL are everywhere. Advertisements, billboards and notices all over town remind us to prepare. Clinics arm themselves for the stampede of families swarming in for their last-minute physicals, vision exams, and immunizations. And we can’t forget the administrators and educators who are winding up […]
What Can Autumn Do For You?
I have been in love with Fall for as long as I can remember, even though I’m not so excited about the winter chasing its heels. It turns out I’m not alone. Autumn happens to be a favorite season for most people. All those pumpkin spiced lattes and wagon rides are not the only reason […]
Where Will the New Year Take You?
As another year fizzles out, an opportunity for renewal and a clean (or cleaner) slate emerges. An abundance of negativity surrounds “resolutions” and yet many of us continue to pursue self-improvement at this time of year more than any other. I’m always down for a round of improvement and savor the cozy little spot on […]
Latest Post
Where Will the New Year Take You?
December 31, 2024
The Case for Thanksgiving
November 25, 2024
What Can Autumn Do For You?
November 12, 2024
Healthy Clubbing
September 13, 2024
How Can Work Improve Your Relationship?
August 5, 2024
What Makes “Back to School” go More Smoothly?
July 29, 2024