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    Gardening & Homesteading

    “To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” –M.K. Gandhi

      Several years have passed since I’ve been able to go home. Not the one I sleep in every night with my family. I’m talking about the one I came home from the hospital to, and got on the school bus in front of, and ate my mother’s home cookin’ inside. And yes, it is […]

      Since 1970, Americans have been recognizing Earth Day along with a growing number of countries. Today, more than 200 countries around the globe celebrate our planet and consider how we can show it some love.   While our beloved planet groans and cries out in the midst of our human presence, we continue to […]

    Do you have a favorite memory of a farm visit or love animals? You may be able to relate to these pastimes and find a way to create your own relationships with a cute creature.

    When facing uncertainty in the midst of a global pandemic, racial strife, political upheavals, raging wildfires, and sweeping hurricanes; who do we trust? The future can seem like blurry images instead of the sparkling scenes we once dreamed. 

    Gardening – Could there be more to it than food fare and pleasant scents? When I moved into the college dorm room I brought along my favorite clothes, posters, and my battered tennis racket. Just before leaving me to fend for myself, my mother waltzed in with something strange. A cactus plant. I eyed the […]

    Gardening – Could there be more to it than food fare and pleasant scents? When I moved into the college dorm room I brought along my favorite clothes, posters, and my battered tennis racket. Just before leaving me to fend for myself, my mother waltzed in with something strange. A cactus plant. I eyed the […]

    When facing uncertainty in the midst of a global pandemic, racial strife, political upheavals, raging wildfires, and sweeping hurricanes; who do we trust? The future can seem like blurry images instead of the sparkling scenes we once dreamed. 

    Do you have a favorite memory of a farm visit or love animals? You may be able to relate to these pastimes and find a way to create your own relationships with a cute creature.

      Since 1970, Americans have been recognizing Earth Day along with a growing number of countries. Today, more than 200 countries around the globe celebrate our planet and consider how we can show it some love.   While our beloved planet groans and cries out in the midst of our human presence, we continue to […]

      Several years have passed since I’ve been able to go home. Not the one I sleep in every night with my family. I’m talking about the one I came home from the hospital to, and got on the school bus in front of, and ate my mother’s home cookin’ inside. And yes, it is […]

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