Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens. –Carl Jung
Where Will the New Year Take You?
As another year fizzles out, an opportunity for renewal and a clean (or cleaner) slate emerges. An abundance of negativity surrounds “resolutions” and yet many of us continue to pursue self-improvement at this time of year more than any other. I’m always down for a round of improvement and savor the cozy little spot on […]
The Case for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving exists because the early settlers survived in spite of horrific circumstances. Famine, unknown disease, and fear of the natives were only a few of the obstacles they faced. When the Mayflower anchored at Plymouth Rock there were no hospitals, grocery stores, or hotels. Imagine how thankful they were just to see another day! That […]
What Can Autumn Do For You?
I have been in love with Fall for as long as I can remember, even though I’m not so excited about the winter chasing its heels. It turns out I’m not alone. Autumn happens to be a favorite season for most people. All those pumpkin spiced lattes and wagon rides are not the only reason […]
Healthy Clubbing
Every month I have a date set in stone on my calendar. It’s one of those events I WILL NOT MISS. It all started more than five years ago when I meet someone named Janet at a conference three hours away from my home. We discovered, by accident, that we lived seven miles from one […]
How Can Work Improve Your Relationship?
I have a confession. After dreaming and scheming over what to do with a 10-acre property we purchased last year, we gave up hope of figuring out a decent plan. I even wondered if I should be put out to pasture. What kind of investment or farming venture could we come up with that […]
What Makes “Back to School” go More Smoothly?
The dreaded words for so many children and teenagers, BACK TO SCHOOL are everywhere. Advertisements, billboards and notices all over town remind us to prepare. Clinics arm themselves for the stampede of families swarming in for their last-minute physicals, vision exams, and immunizations. And we can’t forget the administrators and educators who are winding up […]
What Community Events Can do For You
Sunday afternoons are usually the time for winding down before the upcoming sprint through another week. But a couple of Sundays ago I broke my routine to stroll around the Aviation Heritage Park and Museum in Bowling Green at the invitation of the Warren County Library. As a book lover, I’ve always been a […]
A Rekindled Love Affair with Tennis
After a yearlong season of inactivity and extra stress, I needed to return to a regular exercise routine. Weight gain and sluggishness tied me down and frustration only added to my slump. The dreaded “should of” and “could of” piled up as each busy week passed without any consistency on the workout front. Even at […]
The Overlooked Benefit for Physical and Mental Health
Check out this proven method of improving your physical and mental health that most of us put off or dismiss altogether.
A Piece of Paradise
I followed my host, Anka, up concrete steps clasping the steadiest of handrails that reassured my pace upward all the while, propelling a threadbare carry on and bulging backpack. Thankfully, her imposing figure swung my over-the-limit suitcase into the landing of the fourth floor where she fumbled with her keys. The apartment lulled me inside […]
Where’s Your Motivation?
We all have some motivation or we would never get up in the morning or make it to work or even fix a cup of coffee. When we talk about a lack of motivation, it has more to do with those non-preferred or seemingly less than glamorous activities like sweating, denying ourselves something fun, or […]
Encouraging Your Troubled Teen
This space is intended to give you a new perspective and helpful suggestions that can be used in many situations involving troubled teens.
Is Procrastination Holding You Back?
Have you ever had a future goal that stirred in your heart every single day? You thought about it from every angle and imagined your success, yet somehow, it never quite took flight.
Are You Sick of the Pandemic?
What is a productive, creative person to do in this season of stagnation?
What Value Can We Find In Our Mistakes and Failures?
A by-product of living on this earth includes the accumulation of a mental list of decisions you may wish came with access to a delete button or at the least, a reset feature.
Education Beyond the Pandemic…
What can we expect for the future of education with a variety of instructional models and the altered formats across our world? A trickle down effect over the coming years may be a possibility. Read on for an explanation of this theory.
Critical Connections
Times are hard and disappointment can overwhelm us. It's important to reach out to your family and friends and check in from time to time. You never know what a simple hello can do for someone. In fact – it’s quite possible your kindness could be even more beneficial to you.
Advantages of Homesteading
If you have been a fan of homesteading or curious about the simple existence we can create in nature, read on for four advantages of homesteading.
Are You an Impostor?
Feeling as if we don't quite measure up is more common than you may realize, especially in a competitive society. Read on for a reminder of the trap you can slip into without realizing it.
Recovering From Political Upheaval
How can we move past this historical election during a worldwide pandemic? It sounds like a dark thriller book or movie. Our environment has brought out the best and worst for so many, leaving scars on friendships and our emotional health.
How Thankful Are You This Year?
Are you ready for this year to be over? How about approaching Thanksgiving a little different this year?
Why Should We Celebrate Thanksgiving?
Slowing down to seek out the deeper meaning of thankfulness might be more important now than ever.
A Moment of Gratitude
Zero in on what matters this season. Capturing each moment and soaking in the atmosphere of your smaller world can be every bit as special as your imagination can muster.
What is Forgiveness?
The mysterious notion of extending forgiveness to those who have deeply wounded you can seem impossible. Just when you think you've forgiven someone, the memory of it stings all over again and you feel like you're starting over. Where do you go from here?
How Good Are You at Forgiving Yourself?
Forgiving ourselves is one of the hardest feats to accomplish in this crazy world. Are you ready for a new year and a new you?
Does Multitasking Work for You?
Should we put our energy into multitasking or is there a better way to accomplish our best?
Going Beyond Daily To-do Lists
Could you be doing more to heighten your productivity at work and strengthen your sense of balance in life?
Inspiration from Artist Stephanie Cobb
Hit the highlights of my fabulous interview with artist, Stephanie Cobb. Her insight has rejuvenated my soul and will undoubtedly encourage you too.
This weeks topic is about the importance of Christmas
This week’s topic is about Christmas, and how important it is to make it extra special this year. #Christmas #family #motivation #sharonblevins
Artist Stephanie Cobb’s Interview Clip
Listen in as Artist Stephanie Cobb tells us how to tap into our creative spirit!
Why Should You Take a Moment for Nostalgia?
Cuddling up for a cozy moment with the old photo album and a purposeful walk down memory lane can make for a brighter perspective and a welcome rekindling of holidays past.
How Can Nostalgia Brighten our Christmas?
Take a journey through your past with mementos and traditions - your Christmas spirit will be sure to take flight.
Allison Millet: Setting Goals and Keeping Them
Need some motivation and a challenge? Could you use a push, some encouragement and cutting edge exercises to help you reach your fitness goals?
Happy Fresh Start!
Just as 2020 has been one to remember or possibly better off left in the rearview mirror, renew your spirit and hit restart for a fresh season of what you hold close.
What Does Family Mean to You?
Could you find more fulfillment in your life through deeper connections with family?
The New Way to a New You
How are you navigating your health and wellbeing in these first days of the new year? Take some time to refocus on what matters in the scheme of things - you!
What Can a Child Teach us About Happiness?
What can you boost about your daily life right now that can help you live happier and healthier? We look no further than the nearest child for an answer.
Is There Such A Thing As Aging Gracefully?
What do you expect to achieve and accomplish as you grow older? Those perceptions can have a great impact on how healthy, happy, and productive you will be.
Stress Relief May be as Close as a Good Belly Laugh
Few opportunities exist in our world to instantly improve our mood, lighten our stress, and deepen our attachment to our fellow humans. Could having a laugh be that powerful?
Excited About Groundhog Day?? Come Out of Your Hole & See What’s Ahead
Groundhog Day may not peek your interest, but read on for your encouraging message about the weeks ahead.
Celebrating the Gift of Love Begins Inside Your Own Heart
Are you ready to celebrate your closest relationships? Read on to prepare for the season of love.
How Can Human Suffering Turn to Peace
Trauma. The word itself can tick up your heartrate and have us imagining war-torn countries, natural disasters, or horrendous assaults. It could also bring to mind personal memories connected to pain, shock, humiliation, and images we would rather delete. Or would we?
Interview with Pixie Jarvis from Outside In, and Healing Trauma with Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
“What is equine-assisted psychotherapy? Do horses need therapy? Or is it people?” Pixie Jarvis talks with Dr. Sharon Blevins about equine-assisted psychotherapy and the healing power of animals. Horses, being prey animals, are incredibly intuitive and extremely aware of their environment. They are also non-verbal, which makes them masters at reading body language. Horses are […]
What is Love Anyway?
Do you feel confused at times about the nature of love in this crazy world? Take 3 minutes to read your Valentine's message from me to you in our cozy corner of encouragement.
What Will You Do for Random Acts of Kindness Day?
What can you do to spread a little kindness today?
Fawning and People Pleasing Interview with Pixie Jarvis
Are you a people pleaser merely to avoid conflict? Well that is called Fawning. Wednesdays interview is all about #fawning and ways to work through it.
How Do We Skip Over Dread and Do What We Want?
Do you ever find a hurtle of dread in front of you when planning to do something you know you need to do, and deep down want to do? Why is it so hard to get going sometimes?
Is it Time to Clear Away Your Mental Fog?
Are you on top of your game every day? Read up on a few tips to help sharpen your focus and encourage creativity.
How Do You Rate Your Self-Esteem?
Could your self-esteem use a boost lately? See if you can relate to these authentic ways of improving our sense of value.
What’s the Big Deal About Sleep?
Is sleeping a full 8 or so hours each night really that important for resilient kids or ourselves? You may be surprised to discover what researchers have found.
Why Are Teenagers So Sleepy?
What can we do to improve our children's mood, energy, cognitive functioning, and attention spans?
It’s a Miracle We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!
Read how tough times blended a nation and people who can now share their unique qualities.
Time to Check Our Emotional Fuel Gauge
What are some of the less obvious effects of this past year on our children's development and our own social well-being?
Is Spring Fever a Thing?
Does the seasonal shift of spring bring real changes that impact our health and well-being?
Is Perfection Your Goal?
Is the constant threat of competition surrounding you or is the success of others stressing you out?
Your Cozy of Encouragement has made #54 on Feedspot’s Top 100 Inspirational Blogs!
A big THANK YOU to FEEDSPOT for including this blog and website on their top 100 Inspirational Blogs! I am also now #4 on the Top 10 School Psychologist Blogs! I appreciate all of you for following, reading, and engaging with Your Cozy Corner of Encouragement. https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_blogs/ Top 100 Inspirational Blogs, Websites & Influencers in […]
What Does Autism Awareness Month Mean For You?
Read this 3 minute description of what having an awareness of autism means for so many.
Celebrate Your Bond With Mother Earth Today!
Since 1970, Americans have been recognizing Earth Day along with a growing number of countries. Today, more than 200 countries around the globe celebrate our planet and consider how we can show it some love. While our beloved planet groans and cries out in the midst of our human presence, we continue to […]
Is Materialism Getting in Our Way of True Happiness?
After the past year, we are pacing ourselves through a period of re-boot. Most people are cautiously optimistic that society will march forward and growth will take root. The definition of growth can mean something different to each of us. Can growth be quantified by our possessions? One mystifying part of our human nature […]
When Was the Last Time You Explored Your Identity?
If you are an adult living in the midst of career and family obligations, you probably dismiss the notion of reviewing your own identity. Wasn’t that step over back in those rocky teenage years? The truth is, a great deal of identity formation likely happened right on through your twenties. Research and respected theorists […]
Is Mindfulness Really Worth Your Time?
There has been a surge of promotion for mindfulness techniques, meditations, and lifestyle changes. That focus makes complete sense in light of the increasingly complex world we live in. We have to have something to help us cope with all the stimulation present in our society and even our homes. Mindfulness offers a natural […]
The Parenting Trap
As we pass between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day it’s natural to reflect on your own experience as a child and at the same time ponder our own parenting approach. Many of us worry and agonize over the decisions we make for our children and the methods we use to teach them values and […]
How Do We Keep Creating After Soul Crushing Rejection?
A few weeks after sending out another batch of query materials, I received a bit of feedback. The first of which was a three line form letter that quickly got the point across. My work was not for them. A couple of hours later, my email check gave me another letter with – you […]
Beat Burnout Today
When I was in my early twenties, I accepted a position at a group home for teenagers who were wards of the state. I enjoyed the work and saw promise and potential in the kids immediately. They had been dealt a most rotten hand in life and their behavior only reflected the traumatic early […]
The Most Natural Antidote for Physical and Mental Health May be Missing in Your Life
I have had the benefit of “throat clearing” five decades to see change in society. I’ve learned about many modern medical advances and pharmaceutical cures for things that ail us. Yet a remarkable and less than quantifiable feel good signal has waved at me for the entirety of my years. Chances are, you have […]
What Can We Do When the Season of Grief Lasts?
Now that the grip of the pandemic is loosening, we are getting on with life the way we once did. As with any great interruption in life, we can experience lingering effects of that season. But there is one topic we tend to bury and struggle to resolve on our own. Grief. Current […]
5 Steps You Can Take Today to Increase Your Peace And Fulfillment in Life
A few weeks ago, I was preparing for an important presentation required for work. It needed to be an hour long training video once I finished the research. On the afternoon of my deadline, I began to record. After what I thought was a decent performance, I checked the recording. You may see where this […]
What Does Empathy Have to do With Success?
Simply put, empathy is being able to feel the experience of another person. If you’ve ever noticed a small child try to comfort a distressed playmate or even a baby closely watch a crying infant, you have seen the early signs of empathy. It appears as if the ability to sense the pain or emotions […]
Try Adding a Habit That Is Easy and Healthy
Finding the good in people you come across daily is something most of us think little about. The unpleasant fact is that we all tend to judge and even criticize others across our interactions. That spills into negative comments about people, drawing comparisons, and ultimately separation from others. Something fascinating – we would probably […]
What Can We Learn About Motivation From a Child?
The question we all face at junctures in life is – how do we keep the fires of motivation burning? Everything we ever do requires motivation. To break it down even further we can have multiple sources of motivation for every action throughout our day and lifetime. How can we tap into the well of […]
Have You Ever Wanted to Leave the Past Behind?
There are moments or long stretches of time we’d all prefer to leave in the past. One of the toughest things to do is distance ourselves from painful memories. Our recollections are not selective. In fact, some of the very things we want to forget most are the things that stick around the longest. Some […]
The Mood Boosting Benefits of Autumn
I have been in love with Fall for as long as I can remember, even though I’m not so excited about the fact that winter is chasing its heels. Fortunately, I’m not alone. Autumn happens to be a favorite season for most people. All those pumpkins spiced lattes and wagon rides are not the only […]
Who Are You Deep Inside?
Several years have passed since I’ve been able to go home. Not the one I sleep in every night with my family. I’m talking about the one I came home from the hospital to, and got on the school bus in front of, and ate my mother’s home cookin’ inside. And yes, it is […]
Is Optimism all it’s Cracked up to be?
A recent trend caught my attention in the headlines as it scrolled past last week. I rode along the transit options of New York City and learned that optimism is a state of mind connected to longevity, better physical and mental health, and greater happiness. Sounds fabulous, doesn’t it? Maybe this topic deserves […]
Autumn is a Mood Booster
With a new season on the way, allow yourself to feel all those mood boosting endorphins that come with Autumn by soaking in the beauty and promise of what's to come.
How I Made Peace With Goal Setting
For years I’ve made elaborate goals at every turn of the calendar year. Holing myself up with a hot drink, envisioning all the ways I could improve gave me enough spark to send me sprinting toward the dreary January days ahead. This year was different. I stared at that blank page, rehashing the same […]
What I’ve Learned from an Ongoing Bout with Stress
Three out of five employees experience work related stress in recent years and many careers, especially health care and education, suffer from staffing shortages and high turnover. Lately, I've learned a little more about the reality of those stressors.
It’s a Miracle We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
The St. Patrick’s Day we all know and love, once looked nothing like what we experience today. Hundreds of years ago it was only a humble celebration to commemorate the life and service of St. Patrick, a man who brought Christianity to Ireland. A special feast took place to remember his service to Ireland that […]
Autism Awareness Month
April is the month devoted to several important causes that are near and dear to my heart. As a school psychologist and former case worker for special needs children, I have found autism to be a challenge for many children and families. Chances are, you have known individuals who have challenges on the autism spectrum. […]
Restore Your Brain Today
If you’ve ever driven a long distance for a long-awaited vacation, you easily recognize the stages of your journey. You start out fresh, exhilarated. Once you break free of your hometown, the road unfurls ahead, full of promise for memories and adventures on the other end. Before long, you break the trip into segments. At […]
Rejuvenate This Summer
Whether you have a lighter workload in the summer, or the pace is frantic, opportunities exist to shake things up this season. Research (and common sense) tells us that time outdoors is beneficial for physical and mental health. Simply taking up the same activity in a different place can boost mood and improve brain function. […]
What Does Community Mean to You?
When my pastor, Reverend Adam Shourds, asked me to briefly share with our church what community meant to me, I had to give it some serious thought. Although I attend church regularly, I don’t have the opportunity to get to know many people beyond the friendly handshakes week in and week out. And like so […]
My First Excursion in The Holy Land
My mother, a quiet and humble lady, visited the Holy Land decades ago. Now that she has gone on, I feel a deep connection with her spiritual journey as I explore the very path of Jesus myself this week. Our church group has come on this trip with reverence and a spirit of adventure. The […]
Israel by Way of Bethlehem, Caesarea, and Mt. Carmel
Today was a spiritually moving and uplifting day. Despite the upsetting conflict erupting in the West Bank of Israel, the last couple of days have been memories that made a big drop in my bucket list. First, we explored one of the most exciting archeological digs in Israel, the palace-fortress and final resting place of […]
A Tornado Warning Sparks Memories of Israel
Memories of the first days of war in Israel return when a very different danger threatens Kentucky.
Memories of Bethlehem This Christmas
My musings of the spirit of Christmas after a life altering journey in the steps of our savior.
Experiencing Life
This five-minute read gives an account of my experiences with the Citizens Police Academy in which I encourage you to explore opportunities in your community to stretch beyond your own expectations.
The Overlooked Benefit for Physical and Mental Health
Check out this proven method of improving your physical and mental health that most of us put off or dismiss altogether.
A Rekindled Love Affair with Tennis
After a yearlong season of inactivity and extra stress, I needed to return to a regular exercise routine. Weight gain and sluggishness tied me down and frustration only added to my slump. The dreaded “should of” and “could of” piled up as each busy week passed without any consistency on the workout front. Even at […]
What Community Events Can do For You
Sunday afternoons are usually the time for winding down before the upcoming sprint through another week. But a couple of Sundays ago I broke my routine to stroll around the Aviation Heritage Park and Museum in Bowling Green at the invitation of the Warren County Library. As a book lover, I’ve always been a […]
What Makes “Back to School” go More Smoothly?
The dreaded words for so many children and teenagers, BACK TO SCHOOL are everywhere. Advertisements, billboards and notices all over town remind us to prepare. Clinics arm themselves for the stampede of families swarming in for their last-minute physicals, vision exams, and immunizations. And we can’t forget the administrators and educators who are winding up […]
How Can Work Improve Your Relationship?
I have a confession. After dreaming and scheming over what to do with a 10-acre property we purchased last year, we gave up hope of figuring out a decent plan. I even wondered if I should be put out to pasture. What kind of investment or farming venture could we come up with that […]
Healthy Clubbing
Every month I have a date set in stone on my calendar. It’s one of those events I WILL NOT MISS. It all started more than five years ago when I meet someone named Janet at a conference three hours away from my home. We discovered, by accident, that we lived seven miles from one […]
What Can Autumn Do For You?
I have been in love with Fall for as long as I can remember, even though I’m not so excited about the winter chasing its heels. It turns out I’m not alone. Autumn happens to be a favorite season for most people. All those pumpkin spiced lattes and wagon rides are not the only reason […]
The Case for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving exists because the early settlers survived in spite of horrific circumstances. Famine, unknown disease, and fear of the natives were only a few of the obstacles they faced. When the Mayflower anchored at Plymouth Rock there were no hospitals, grocery stores, or hotels. Imagine how thankful they were just to see another day! That […]
Where Will the New Year Take You?
As another year fizzles out, an opportunity for renewal and a clean (or cleaner) slate emerges. An abundance of negativity surrounds “resolutions” and yet many of us continue to pursue self-improvement at this time of year more than any other. I’m always down for a round of improvement and savor the cozy little spot on […]
Latest Post
Where Will the New Year Take You?
December 31, 2024
The Case for Thanksgiving
November 25, 2024
What Can Autumn Do For You?
November 12, 2024
Healthy Clubbing
September 13, 2024
How Can Work Improve Your Relationship?
August 5, 2024
What Makes “Back to School” go More Smoothly?
July 29, 2024